
Shifting Awareness

It has been awhile since I have posted anything.  I think this is because I have been working away at trying to figure out how I want to return to life post-treatment, what I want to create in my life for my life. I realize there are many things I want to shift in some way or change.  In part, this is a lifestyle change, but this is also related to how I perceive my health and wanting to ensure that any changes I make are going to create something better for myself and my son.

One of the changes I'm planning is this blog.  The focus for so long has been on my journey of widowhood and cancer treatment.  I plan to shift the focus to be reflective about what enriches my life and what brings me joy.  I hope that what I may share can be a source of inspiration for readers.

To start this new approach, I'll share on of my favourite quotes by buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hahn from his book No Death, No Fear:

"After one in- and out-breath we  have already become a different person."